How to Install

A guide for installing Eagle along with multi-threaded R

If you already have R installed and you are in a hurry

Step 1: Update packages

Problems can occur, especially with shiny, if the packages upon which Eagle is dependent, are not current. To update the packages, in your R session, type the following


update.packages will update all the packages in your library, interactively.

Step 2: Install Eagle

In your R session, if you have root access, use the following command to install Eagle

 install.packages("Eagle" , repos = "", dependencies=TRUE) 

If you don't have root access, use

 install.packages("Eagle" , lib="/your/Rlibrary/" , repos = "", dependencies=TRUE) 

where "/your/RLibrary/" is the name of the directory where R packages are to be installed. This will install Eagle and any missing dependent packages.

Step 3: Run Eagle

To run Eagle and given that you have installed it in a default library, use


or if you don't have root access, use

 library("Eagle", lib="/your/Rlibrary/")  

where "/your/RLibrary/" is the name of your local directory where R packages are installed.

Installing R Open and Eagle

Eagle was designed to harness parallel computation. R, upon which Eagle is based, is not set up for parallel computation. Fortunately, there is a solution. Microsoft have developed an open source freely available version of R, called R Open. R Open is the same as R except that it comes with multi-threaded maths libraries for parallel computation.

Step 1: Install R Open for multi-threaded computation

Choose your Platform for instructions on how to install R Open

Step 2: Install Eagle

To install the latest version of the Eagle package, from the R command window, use the install.packages( ) command

 install.packages("Eagle", repos = "", dependencies=TRUE)  

This can take a bit of time as it is not only Eagle that needs installing but several other packages upon which Eagle is dependent.

Step 3: Run Eagle

To start using Eagle, from the R command window, use


This will load the Eagle package into your R session, ready for use. Go to Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to use Eagle.