Introductory videos and tutorials on Eagle
The What, the Why, the Where, and the How of Eagle
This is an introductory video on what is the Eagle package, why do we need Eagle, where can you download Eagle, and how is Eagle different to other genome-wide association mapping packages.
How to Organize your Input Data (Part 1)
In this video, we talk about the two files that are mandatory - the snp data file and the phenotype data file.
How to Organize your Input Data (Part 2)
In this video, we talk about how to input your map data into Eagle. If your snp data has been inputed as a vcf file, then this file is not needed.
How to Organize your Input Data (Part 3)
In plants, it is possible to have multiple measurements for a variety/cultivar. Here, Eagle needs to know which phenotypic records relate to which plants. This is done through the Z matrix file. In this video, we given an example of a Z matrix and talk about its file format.
A Eagle tutorial for those familiar with R
In this tutorial video, we analyse GWAS data with the functionality contained within the Eagle R package. The data and R script are available for download in the links below. This is a good video to watch if you intend to use Eagle like a traditional R package.
Data files used in this video
Name | Description | Downloads |
Rscript.R | Source commands for reading and analysing the demo data. | Download File |
genoDemo.ped | Genotype data in PLINK ped format. 150 individuals by 4998 snp. | Download File |
phenoDemo.dat | Phenotype data. 150 individuals. two traits (trait1, trait2) and four predictors | Download File |
mapDemo.dat< | Map data. 4998 snp by 3 columns for snp name, chromosome, and map position | Download File |